tangle$81624$ - translation to greek
Online Dictionary

tangle$81624$ - translation to greek

Tangle-veined fly
  • ''Moegistorhynchus longirostris''

v. εμπλέκω


·vi To be entangled or united confusedly; to get in a tangle.
II. Tangle ·noun Any large blackish seaweed, especially the Laminaria saccharina. ·see Kelp.
III. Tangle ·noun To Involve; to Insnare; to Entrap; as, to be tangled in lies.
IV. Tangle ·noun To unite or knit together confusedly; to interweave or interlock, as threads, so as to make it difficult to unravel the knot; to Entangle; to Ravel.
V. Tangle ·v A knot of threads, or other thing, united confusedly, or so interwoven as not to be easily disengaged; a snarl; as, hair or yarn in tangles; a tangle of vines and briers. Used also figuratively.
VI. Tangle ·v An instrument consisting essentially of an iron bar to which are attached swabs, or bundles of frayed rope, or other similar substances, - used to capture starfishes, sea urchins, and other similar creatures living at the bottom of the sea.



Nemestrinidae, or tangle-veined flies is a family of flies in the superfamily Nemestrinoidea, closely related to Acroceridae. The family is small but distributed worldwide, with about 300 species in 34 genera. Larvae are endoparasitoids of either grasshoppers (Trichopsideinae) or scarab beetles (Hirmoneurinae). Some are considered important in the control of grasshopper populations. Adults are often observed on flowers.